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Open rehearsals


The Choir rehearses regularly on Tuesday evenings, with the usual breaks for Christmas and Easter and generally August. There are sometimes additional rehearsals and we may take breaks for half-term if many people are away. Rehearsals are in Holy Sepulchre Church, Holborn Viaduct EC1A 2DQ.



Auditions typically take place before or after a rehearsal. For your audition you need to bring along a piece of your choice. Doesn’t have to be classical, can be anything so choose something which shows off your voice and your performance skills well. Unless you are singing by heart, it is useful if you can bring two copies – one for yourself and one for the accompanist. Or alternatively let us know in advance what you want to sing and we can see if we have a copy.

There will be some vocal exercises, scales etc which are designed to establish your range. Then there are the sight-reading tests which are graded in difficulty.

It is well understood that people seeking to start singing again after a break will need time to refresh both their vocal technique and their sight-reading skills. Rufus will always take this into account and if you need time to get back into practice he may suggest that you sing for a probationary period and then re-audition in a few months.

More about us


We have just passed our 50th anniversary year.  You can read all about what we’ve done over the past 50 years here:


For more information or to arrange to visit us, please contact our membership secretary Helen Gironi on or the artistic director Rufus Frowde on We look forward to hearing from you.

       The ECC
- a brief history -
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